Monday. You might not like it, but it's a fresh week, so let's focus on the positive....Studies show that if you work out on Monday, you are more likely to keep it up all week. Show us on fb @12daysofmodemas
Beast MOde (your workout)
Today's workout is a pain in the booty! We're going old-school for this buns-and-thighs quickie. Try adding a weight if you want more challenge, or repeat the circuit 2-3 times.
20 Bridges
10 Single Leg Bridges on Each Leg
20 Pulses in Bridge
20 Side-Lying Leg Lifts
20 Inner Thigh Lifts
MOde Lifestyle (tips for healther holidays)
Make time for your workouts Set an alarm on a phone or computer when you need to start.
One Week 'til MOdemas. Nuff said.