Hump Day? More like Slump day. Deadlines, holidays, let's face it, nobody loves the middle of the week. That's why we're here.

Beast MOde (your workout)
Just like last week, this is a series of two minute sets. Inspiration was lacking, so we turned to a favorite famous fitness elf for some burning ideas. Hey AKTinMotion! So, here are the MOde picks for a brief pre-cool-down burn. Check out their Instagram for video how-to!
Single Leg Deadlift to Biceps Curl
Around the World in Squat
Lunge Plank to Lunge Kick
Punch and Squat
Side Plank with Abduction
Triceps Dips and Cross Body Reaches
2 Minutes each or 1 Minute each side!
MOde Lifestyle (your tips for healthier holidays)
Don't leave yourself off your Christmas list! Schedule something for you.
"Go for it"--Various